Hostcroko – The Host of Reference in Morocco.
Take advantage of all the Expertise of cloud Hosting morocco with Hostcroko.
Maximal speed
The servers speed are of an extreme speed which is favorable to the profitability of your activities.
Available server
Our servers are fed a 24h / 24 and guarantee you a functioning continuously.
Quality interface
Our platforms will place you at the heart of the innovation while taking into account your requirements.
Absolute security
Our platforms of web hosting Morocco are endowed with a system of protection which optimizes the security.
Our Prices are affordable
Our web hosting Morocco prices adapt themselves to all your needs.
Hostcroko – a Satisfactory Hosting service.
Take advantage of all our complete range of features..
Take advantage of our rock-bottom prices and our expertise to benefit from a satisfactory web hosting. It is on the price cheaper that all our varieties of services are available.
You will benefit from disk spaces which can go from 1 GB to 25 GB, of more 25 sub-domains, 50 GB of connectivity and 15 e-mails according to the offer which will suit you best.